


Port-out scams involve 欺诈sters exploiting the process of transferring a cell phone number from one carrier to another by using phished or stolen account information to carry out the port without the authorization of the phone number’s true owner.

After successfully gathering information about a cellular account (acquired either directly from the victim via phishing or found 在线), 一个骗子, 冒充电话号码的真正主人, takes the victim’s information to another carrier and requests to port the number to a new account and cell phone. 的骗子 will then report the victim’s phone as lost or stolen. If the cellular carrier does not require a security PIN number or passcode, 或者骗子通过了任何身份验证措施, the scammer may successfully port the number to a new device and carrier without the victim’s knowledge, 关闭自己手机的移动服务. 的骗子, 现在可以独家使用受害者的电话号码了, can potentially gain access to the victim’s 在线 accounts via two-factor authentication (2FA) codes or keys texted directly to the phone number. This can happen fast, with little time for the victim to stop it or contact anyone for help.


If you find your smartphone suddenly stops making calls or sending texts, 或者写着"紧急呼叫,“你的电话号码可能被偷了,然后转出去了. 立即通知承运人. Report Scam Activity: Report any scams you encounter to local police, 你的手机运营商, 联邦贸易委员会, 或者商业改善局. Keep a record of any information given to you or sought by the scammer.

Financial institutions should educate their customers/members about this threat.


Many carriers require account PIN 数字 or other verification information to port out 数字 or give out new SIM cards. 然而, 如果密码是出生日期, 邮政编码, 社会安全号码的最后四位数字, 或者任何容易收集到的信息, scammers can still quickly gain access by trying them all. There are databases 在线 that anyone can log into and find current address, 全名, 潜在受害者亲属的名字, 和更多的. Just by being aware of the dangers of hacking and by being smart about sharing information, consumers and businesses can protect themselves from a port-out or SIM hijacking scam.

Some tips for protecting yourself from port-out scams and SIM hijacking scams include:

  • Use Strong 密码s- Use strong account passwords with a variety of characters (symbols, 数字, (大写字母)适用于任何和所有在线帐户. 不要为不同的帐户重复密码.
  • Use 2-Factor Authentication- If your cell phone carrier allows, sign up for dual-factor authentication (not always the same as an account PIN or passcode) upon logging into your account. 除了, 如果有选择的话, consider listing an alternative email for authentication instead of a phone number.
  • Use Obscure Answers- If your carrier uses security questions for logging in, 比如“你是在哪条街上长大的?,” try to use obscure answers you won’t be able to find out in a simple address directory search.
  • Pin 保护ion: Most carriers allow you to create a PIN or passcode required to make changes to your account. Make a strong and random PIN number or passcode to access your account in addition to your 在线 password
  • Use Public Forum Safety: Avoid leaving personal information 在线 in public forums or on social media such as your phone number, address, 或任何其他个人身份信息
  • 在线 Marketplace Safety: When dealing with 在线 marketplaces or forums, be careful not to give out personal information unless necessary or you can verify their identity first.
  • Keep to yourself: Never give out information on your cellular account over email, 在线, or over the phone unless you are certain you are speaking with your carrier’s customer service representative.
  • Keep track of your mail: Not all identity theft begins digitally. Make sure you keep track of your mail and shred any important documents that could be taken from trash or recycling. 你的手机, 银行, 实用程序, and cable bills all have information that could be used to get a criminal closer to porting a number your phone number.


如果你是骗局的受害者, you should contact the correct federal departments to file complaints about internet-related scams, 欺诈, 和犯罪. Just don’t forget to call 你的手机运营商 and local police first.

  • Your local law enforcement’s 欺诈 or cybercrime division.
  • File a scam complaint with the Better Business Bureau Scam Tracker.
  • 向司法部投诉.
  • File a complaint about 在线 or related transactions with EConsumer.政府.
  • Federal Trade Commission: Call 1-877-FTC-HELP or file a complaint 在线.
  • File a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) (IC3 is partnered with the FBI).
  • 提交报告 欺诈.org.
